Healing Acne is Not a One-Size-Fits-All

Do you deal with stubborn acne around your chin? Have you cut-out added sugar, dairy, gluten, and tried all the fad diets to clear your skin?

I want to share with you one of my former client's journey of healing her hormonal acne.  

Client “M” tried all of the things:  

  • eliminating dairy and added sugars ✔️

  • eliminating gluten ✔️

  • getting monthly facials from a licensed esthetician ✔️

  • met with multiple dermatologists ✔️

  • tried antibiotics ✔️

Whew 😅, what an exhausting journey for her, yet, she still did not receive the results she desired. 

We took her through testing so we could figure out exactly what she was deficient in through bloodwork, GIMAP test, and HTMA testing. We also reviewed her stress, exercise and sleep patterns, and created a schedule and diet that was manageable to stick to.

Here are some of the results from her labs:

  • low sodium, potassium, & magnesium

  • low adrenal ratio

  • high DHEA levels

  • low gut bacteria

Mineral imbalances, high DHEA levels, and low gut bacteria all contribute to hormonal and cystic acne. 

It was time for Client “M” to ditch the trendy ways to clear acne and actually heal her acne for good! Check out her transformation after only two months of 1:1 work. 

Here are some wins for Client “M”:

  • boost of confidence

  • clearer skin

  • better relationship with her skin

  • regular bowl movements

  • more energy

Client “M” is still on a journey to healing her skin, but she is now experiencing positive signs and symptoms that the plan we created for her is working!

She has more energy, less acne flare-ups, regular bowel movements, and more confidence in her own skin!

Remember, a happy gut=happy skin 😊

If this sounds like you, I have just the thing for you!!

I have an Acne-Healing Recipe Guide with 5 free acne-healing recipes in it. This guide is sure to jumpstart your skincare journey. Click here if you want the FREE recipe guide.

If you are like Client “M” and struggle with stubborn acne, click the link below to learn more!


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